Make cosmetic healer and moisturizer for your hair, and by adding a tablespoon of honey into 4 cups of warm water, then use this mix final after washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, so you do not your hair again after using this combination, which is characterized by its ability to moisturize your hair and give attractive and shine Accordingly, also has the ability to eliminate dryness and wrinkles hair.
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You can manufacture shampoo home from simple components to be used therapeutic problems of the hair and, in particular, pounding the parties, and all is about 30 grams of rosemary, preferably fresh, but if not available you can use rosemary, dried and soaked in 475 ml of hot water for 20 minutes,

Then Leave the mixture aside to cool slightly, then add to it a tablespoon of yogurt and my heart until complete mixing, and you can then use the mixture in the same way shampoo, normal massage the hair and scalp, and then rinse well with warm water until it becomes hair absolutely spotless, and with attendance this shampoo interchangeably with the usual shampoo your hair you'll get a healthy and attractive free.

You can use the fruit ripe avocado as a kind of decent bathroom, so and mash well, then put it on your hair a little wet, and make sure to cover your hair completely and particular parties.

Leave the avocado on your hair for a period ranging between 15 and 30 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly until it becomes absolutely spotless, and you can add a tablespoon of olive oil to avocado before you put on your hair, which is characterized by olive oil ability enormous moisturize the hair and impart luster and vitality to it.

The bombing parties hair from more problems Hair prevalent, especially for long hair, and is considered Continuously cut Parties hair every 6 weeks almost a necessity to fight this, but this does not mean that this is the only way that can cure this problem, there are many of natural ways that can protect you from hair, and you, madam, some of these roads.
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Mix small amounts of castor oil with olive oil, almond oil, then a national heating this mixture and massage your scalp and hair, especially the limbs, to have a massage lightly, then cover your head with a bag shower, and leave the oil bath on your hair for a period ranging between 8 and Almost 10 hours or overnight, then rinse with a mild shampoo, and you can use this mixture twice a week and this protects your hair from the parties and the parties pounding rate of growth.

You can use a mix former in a different way, and by mixing half a cup of it with half a cup of boiling water and put the mixture in a bottle and closed and then shake it well, then Rub your hair from the roots and even limbs in this mix, and cover your head with a bag shower for half an hour, and after the national wash your hair, But Beware of the hottest water.

Make bath cream for your hair by mixing two tablespoons of yogurt with two tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey, and massage your hair mix, then cover it with a bag shower for half an hour, then rinse well with a mild shampoo.

Use fruit banana or papaya fresh to protect your hair from split ends, so banana peeled or pulsate papaya, peeled after removing the seeds in the minutes of the food, and then blending the fruit with half a cup of yogurt, and massage the scalp and hair mix, and after half an hour, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water until Cleans completely

Our bodies can do six basic movements through exercises that include: squat exercise movements and exercises that rely on bending and push and pull exercises movements and exercises sprains. God created the human body to function as a unit and thus can perform these basic movements together at once.

So forget about those exercises that move only a single muscle Instead Focus on exercises that flow consistently with your body without being strained. Try these exercises and six from which you'll be able to meet the needs of your body, and move all the muscles and burn a lot of fat and change the shape of your body to gradually end up on the body decent consistent.

Integrating these exercise sessions in the gym to improve your body movements during the day.
Flexion: greatness with the deadly strain foot
Pull Barbell weight lifting through the hands on the grip to be a space between your hands shoulder width NATIONAL then lifted without bending the knee to waist level limit then go down and so on. Repeat the exercise ten times.

Exercise squat: squat exercise based on body weight
Stand straight with feet open at shoulder width. Cut back a little bit and then push you back to the starting position.
Pressure: Exercise bush in August:

National cut your body until your chest almost touches the ground. Cut back a little bit (3 seconds) and then push your body to the starting position as quickly as possible.
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Exercises Draft: pulling weights with knee flexion and bending
Pull Barbell weight lifting through the hands on the grip to be a space between your hands shoulder width with individual arms. Nationalist leaning slightly forward with your knees bent and then lifts the weight up to the level of the upper abdominal muscles. Cut back a little bit and then slowly come back to the starting position.

This exercise moves the muscles of the upper back, rear
Sprain Exercises: Exercise Wrap the trunk
Connect the nationalist party grip the rope to pull the rope pulley device connected to the highest organ weights. Lay on the floor on your knees next to a distance of a few pull the rope so that corresponds to the left side of the body. You must be a trunk curled towards the device. Keep a straight trunk during a workout. The movement of a single pull of the rope to the bottom of the post with a right thigh wrapped the trunk to the right. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

This exercise moves the abdominal muscles and muscles and misaligned center of the back muscles.
Exercise with the use of weights

Pull a pair of lightweights and Carry each one separately with individual arms on both sides. Progressive steps forward your foot right and slowly lower the body towards the floor until your knee bend advanced about 90 degrees. Cut back a little bit and then come back to the starting position as quickly as possible. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
This exercise moves the muscles of the calves, buttocks, hamstrings and quadriceps.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

