Which I read this week and liked and loved to share with you is about the nuts and usefulness of the heart and the damage that can result from them so I decided to write this topic probably is useful.
The results of one study that nuts play an important role in reducing the risk of heart disease, which reduces the incidence by more than half, because the researchers in the study that the reason is that the content of the nuts of higher fatty acids, as was proven that walnuts help in reducing the proportion of LDL cholesterol in the blood During the month of moderate proportions taken daily because it contains a high percentage of unsaturated fat.

And nuts are many benefits, as it from foods that contain a good proportion of dietary fiber may reach more than 3% as of cashew nuts, and therefore have a good effect on health, because dietary fiber linked to the reduction of many problems such as the treatment of colon and reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, and the fibers contain many antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin «e» therefore play an important role in the reduction of disease atherosclerosis and heart disease.
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The research indicates that for the benefit of nuts in reducing the feeling of hunger, and researchers are advised to take the appropriate amount of nuts up to the hand grip (the amount of 50 grams) a day to reduce hunger. But you must be nuts in quantities suitable for extravagance leads to increased caloric intake.It was also observed after the chemical analysis of the nuts they contain a good proportion of potassium, which is a very important element of the activity of the muscles, especially the heart muscle and protects and strengthens, as it contains almonds on more than 750 milligrams of potassium.

Nuts also contain some essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and the two are useful for protection from anemia and osteoporosis, but there is damage to the nuts should pay attention to it until well take advantage of its benefits, including:

Should not be breeding them greatly, because they contain a large proportion of fat, which increases the calories (per 100 grams of nuts given calories between 520-630 calories) and thus lead the consumption of a large amount of them for obesity and overweight are advised to eat 50 grams a day only, because the consumption of about 50 grams of nuts a day will be needed and has a good effect on health, because the control of food is important for your health required.

If you wish you may eat a small handful of these nuts mixed with vegetables or fruit salad. The researchers found that allergies have become more common among children as a result of eating peanut doubled during the past five years.

The study found that one child out of a hundred children has an allergy to peanuts.
The nuts Links pollution if stored in poor conditions of high temperature and humidity and poor ventilation and this (fungus) excrete toxins extremely dangerous to human health, so must we take nuts, fresh or stored in ways that sound and be intact and there by any phenomenon of damage and rotting.
Advised the patient and the patient's intestine troubled state marrow failure (lack of white blood cells) to avoid nuts and the patient must chronic kidney failure and kidney stones patients or for those prepared to form stones limit the intake of nuts.

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